A scoping review of observed benefits of Developmental Transformations (DvT)
Nisha Sajnani (Onderzoeker); Marc Willemsen (Onderzoeker); Jason Butler (Onderzoeker)
Early Referral for Breast-Cancer-Related Lymphedema: Do We Follow the Evidence?
Hendrickx, Ad (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); van der Schans, Cees P. (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Krijnen, Wim (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Mouës-Vink, Chantal M.; Damstra, Robert; Küthe, Saskia W.
Werken aan een economie die beter is dan groei
Dommerholt, Egbert
Symposium 20 jaar lectoraat Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care and Nursing
Schuling, Rhoda; Jepkema, Nikki
Digital Transformation
Groenboom, Rix; Holtman, Jornt
Zpannend Zernike
Roest, Allard
On using privacy labels for visualizing the privacy practice of SMEs: challenges and research directions
M.S. Bargh; M. van de Mosselaar; P.W.M. Rutten; R. Choenni
Towards European standardization of digitalization approaches for monitoring and safety of bridges and tunnels
Rizal Sebastian (Lector); Matthias Weise (Onderzoeker); Ana Sánchez Rodríguez (Onderzoeker); Ioana Giurgiu (Onderzoeker); Nicolas Mitsch (Onderzoeker)
Artificial Intelligence for Radiographers
Karin Bol (Onderzoeker); Colinda Vroonland (Docent); Harmen Bijwaard (Lector)