Fewer adverse events as a result of the SAFE or SORRY? programme in hospitals and nursing homes : Part I: Primary outcome of a cluster randomised trial
Lilian Vloet; A. Habets; Bauke Koekkoek; Joke Mintjes; Lisette Schoonhoven; Betsie van Gaal; Marlies Hulscher; George Borm; Andreas Voss; T. Defloor; R.T. Koopmans; Theo van Achterberg
Teachers' individual action theories about competence-based education: the value of the cognitive apprenticeship model
Prof. Dr. Paul A. Kirschner; Dr. Audrey Seezink (Docent); Prof. Dr. Rob F. Poell
Frailty: defining and measuring of a concept
R.E. Pel-Littel; M.H. Emmelot-Vonk; H.J.J. Verhaar; Prof. Dr. M.J. Schuurmans (Lector)
Alternative routes to teaching in secondary education in the Netherlands
Sanneke Bolhuis (Lector)