The impact of a Virtual Reality-based presentation task on students’ presentation skills and presentation anxiety in higher education
Bo Sichterman (Onderzoeker); Mariecke Schipper (Onderzoeker); Max Verstappen (Student); Philippine Waisvisz (Onderzoeker); Marli Timmermans (Student); Stan van Ginkel (Onderzoeker)
Setting the stage
Kristina Goodnight (Onderzoeker); Catherine van Beuningen (Onderzoeker); Rick de Graaff (Lector)
The HeDiCom framework: Higher Education teachers’ digitalcompetencies for the future
Marijke Kral; Pierre Gorissen; Manon van Zanten; Irma van der Neut; Dana Uerz
Understanding the complexity of professional development in schools through Causal Loop Diagrams
Snoek, Marco (Lectoraat Leren En Innoveren); Koffeman, Andre (Faculteit Onderwijs En Opvoeding (Foo)); Cijvat, Ina
Behavioural Indicators for Teaching and Learning with Technology in Higher Education
Manon van Zanten; Marijke Kral; Dana Uerz; Pieter van Rooij; Hilde Cuppen; Pierre Gorissen
Teacher professional learning and development in the context of educational innovations in higher education
Madeleine Hulsen; Perry J. den Brok; Tim M. Stevens; Indira N.Z. Day; Frans J. Prins; Hanneke J. Assen; Marlies ter Beek; Gunter Bombaerts; Remco Coppoolse; Petra H. M. Cremers; Rik Engbers; Rachelle J. A. Kamp; Jur Koksma; Kariene Mittendorff; Jan Riezebos; Roeland van der Rijst; Margje van der Wiel; Jan D. Vermunt
Transitie van mbo naar hbo - Wat werkt en wat versterkt?
Vugteveen, Jorien
The Knowledge, Action and Identity Project
Griffioen, D.M.E. (Lectoraat Higher Education Research And Innovation (Heri))
Supporting schools during the implementation of the health-promoting school approach
Nina Bartelink; Bonnie van Dongen; Stef Kremers; Carry Renders; Boukje van Vlokhoven; Marije van Koperen; Patricia Assema
The development of the relationship between professional identity tensions and teacher identity
Hanna, Fadie; Oostdam, Ron (Lectoraat Maatwerk In Leren En Instructie); Severiens, Sabine E.; Zijlstra, Bonne J.H.