SOS bij geldzorgen van MBO studenten
Gall, Wenda; Dijkstra, Geerte; Kassenberg, Annelies
Solution room: Mentale gezondheid in het vervolgonderwijs
Havinga, Petra; Palokaj, Fran ; Roossien, Kim ; Hofstra, Jacomijn
Worrying trends in children’s health-related behaviors? Screen time, outdoor play, and sports club membership between 2016 And 2022 and covid-19 related changes.
Mombarg, Remo; de Bruijn, A.G.M.; te Wierike, Sanne; Dreijer, Roos
BDB-workshop Begeleid Leren voor studenten met psychische problemen
Hofstra, Jacomijn; van der Velde, Jorien
Revealing sustainable mindsets among older adults concerning the built environment:
Joost van Hoof; Jeroen Dikken
Supported Education for students with mental health problems: Introduction
Korevaar, L.; Hofstra, Jacomijn
Supported Education for students with mental health problems: Step 1 Start
Korevaar, L.; Hofstra, Jacomijn
Supported Education for students with mental health problems: Step 2a Requirements of the school
Korevaar, L.; Hofstra, Jacomijn
Supported Education for students with mental health problems: Step 2b and Step 3a
Korevaar, L.; Hofstra, Jacomijn