Esmée Klein Bramel (Student); B.A.M.M. Kuijpers (Begeleider)
Consuming a diet complying with front-of-pack label criteria may reduce cholesterol levels
Roodenburg, A.J.C.; Hendriksen, M.A.H.; Vyth, E.L.; Steenhuis, I.H.M.; Raaij, J.M.A. van; Verhagen, H.; Brug, J.; Seidell, J.C.
Ambient assisted living and care in The Netherlands
J. van Hoof (Lid Lectoraat); Eveline Wouters (Lector); H.R. Marston; B Vanrumste; R.A. Overdiep (Docent)
Development of international criteria for a front of package food labelling system
Roodenburg, A.J.C.; Popkin, B.M.; Seidell, J.C.
Potential effects of nutrient profiles on nutrient intakes in the Netherlands, Greece, Spain, USA, Israel, China and South-Africa
Roodenburg, A.J.C.; schlatmann, A.; Dötsch-Klerk, M.; Daamen, R.; Dong, J.; Guarro, M.; Stergiou, M.; Sayed, N.; Ronoh, E.; Jansen, L.; Seidell, J.C.
Front-of-pack nutrition label stimulates healthier product development
Vyth, E.L.; Steenhuis, I.H.M.; Roodenburg, A.J.C.; Brug, J.; Seidell, J.C.
Is France ready for syrup waffles?
L.J. Harris (Begeleider); Marlee de Jonge (Student)
Leading change: Building Healthier Nations
M. Smit; Drs. J.G. Hoogerduijn (Lid Lectoraat)
Export Policy Plan for Colgate-Palmolive
J. Veldman (Begeleider); Chantal Joemratie (Student)
Bike to work! : getting employers involved in a bicycle project
Ellen van Vegchel (Student); Marieke van Oorschot (Student); Marianne van den Bosch (Begeleider)