Zocht je misschien: hypotheses?
The Elements of Deformation Analysis
Hiddo Velsink (Lid Lectoraat); Johan Versendaal (Begeleider)
How futures literate are you?
de Boer, Anke; Wiekens, Carina (Communication, Behaviour & Sustainable Society); Damhof, Loes
Complexity of socio-technical systems
van Aalst, Robbert; Karanikas, Nektarios; de Boer, Robert Jan; Roelen, Alfred; Kaspers, Steffen; Piric, Selma
Lost in diversity
Mommer, L.; Cotton, T.E.A.; Raaijmakers, J.M.; Mortel, J.E. van de (Lector)
The effect of parity on salivary cortisol in sows in their transition from group housing to farrowing crates
Haan, M. de (Student); Cox, M.E.
New business models and pathways for Dutch agrifood transition
Beers, P.J. (Lector); Baeten, M. (Lid Lectoraat)
First impressions or adjusting prejudices
Karijn Nijhoff (Lid Lectoraat)
Effects of stretching in preventing sports injuries
Damien Bourguin (Student); Caspar Mijlius (Begeleider)
End-users Compliance to the Information Security Policy
Peter Straver (Onderzoeker); Pascal Ravesteijn (Lector)
Schapadvies suikerwerk voor AH To Go
Alexandra de Leeuw (Student)