Pedagogisch klimaat in het hbo?
Janneke Wubs (Lid Lectoraat)
The impact of organizational climate in schools on the transfer of post-initial master studies
Snoek, Marco; Boufoy-Bastick, Béatrice
Lecturers’ second chance in their careers : An integrative literature review on the transition into researcher roles
Monica van Winkel; Rob Poell; Roeland van der Rijst; Jan Jurriëns
Ways of using eTextbooks in Higher Education
Leighton, Rose (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci))
Inducing mind sets in self‐regulated learning with motivational information
R.L. Martens; C.J. de Brabander; J.S. Rozendaal; M. Boekaerts; R. van der Leeden
Entrepreneurship can be taught: an example of a learner-centered approach
H.J. (Henk) Schout (Lid Lectoraat); S.J.M. (Saskia) Harkema (Lector)
The improvement of social behaviour during Physical Education
Veronique Utens (Student); Liesbeth Jans (Begeleider)