Partizipation in der Stationären Kinder- und Jugendhilfe
Johannes Boehnke; Sabrina Freisler
Living in harmony
van Someren, Christian; Miggade, Johnmary; Abdelrazik, Mohamed; Goda, Samuel; Hiremath, Mitavachan; Holtorf, Hans
Urban Interaction Design
I.J. Mulder (Lector)
Functioning in lymphedema from the patients’ perspective using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and health (ICF) as a reference
Peter Viehoff; Petra Gielink; Robert Damstra; Yvonne Heerkens; Dorine van Ravensberg; Martino Neumann
TTIP: EU GMO policy alignment?
Paul Shotton (Begeleider); Isabella Stojkovski (Student)
Feasibility study: Flying Carpet
Appel, Hans; Bruinsma, Jarick; van Steenis, Niels; ten Have, Rutger; Wilkens, Jarno
Coastal climate change adaptation in existing urban areas, lessons learned from dutch and norwegian pilots
Boogaard, Floris; de Beer, Hans; Revier, Hans; Boer, Eric
Mona's recipe for success
Madeleine van der Burg (Student); Carola van der Horst (Begeleider); Ronald Voorn (Begeleider)
Workplace Transitions
Stefan Spruit (Student); Boudewijn Bouwense (Begeleider)
Status of IT in Dutch Hospitals in 2011
Irene Krediet (Lid Lectoraat); William Goossen (Lector)