Zocht je misschien: requirements?
Organic tea in the supermarket
L.J. Harris (Begeleider); Samantha M. Siewertsen (Student)
The Foreign Agents Law in Russia
Antje Grebner (Begeleider); Eva M.C. van Beek (Student)
Direct current in public lighting for improvement in LED performance and costs
M. (Marjolein) Hulsebosch; P. (Pepijn) van Willigenburg; J.B. (Johan) Woudstra (Lid Lectoraat); B. (Ben) Groenewald
Fundamental determinants of protein requirements in the ICU
Weijs, Peter J.M. (Lectoraat Voeding En Beweging)
Crucial periods for brown hares (Lepus europaeus) in a multi predator environment with regard to their seasonal energy demand
Stiphout, L. van (Student); Wagemaker, D. (Student); Meijer, T.H.M.; Bangma, O.E.
3Connect. An effective and easy way to collaborate, share and communicate within 3form.
Sven Bakker (Student); Romain Laisne (Begeleider); Thijs Waardenburg (Begeleider)
Over de brug, heen en terug!
Liza Veldman (Student); Maurits Uijting (Begeleider)
Perception of miracles among 21st century Dutch Classical Pentecostals and in two African Initiated Pentecostal churches in Amsterdam South-East
Eric Bonsu (Student); Eduard Groen (Begeleider)
User requirement analysis of social conventions learning applications for non-natives and low-literates
Marieke Hanekamp; Marianne Driessen; Dylan Schouten; Ania Cremers (Lector); Nanja Smets
Multiagent-based agile manufacturing: requirement-driven low cost production
John-Jules Meyer; Daniël Telgen (Lid Lectoraat); Erik Puik (Lid Lectoraat); Leo van Moergestel (Lid Lectoraat)