Epidemiology and Outcome of Patients With Burns Treated With Cerium Nitrate Silversulfadiazine
Dutch Burn Repository group, Martini Hospital; Niemeijer, Anuschka
Quantified student
Rens van der Vorst (Stafmedewerker)
Application of the adverse outcome pathway (AOP) concept to structure the available in vivo and in vitro mechanistic data for allergic sensitization to food proteins
Raymond Pieters (Lector)
Pressure ulcer development in trauma patients with suspected spinal injury
Lisette Schoonhoven; Marieke Schuurmans (Lector); Luke Leenen; Wietske Blom-Ham (Onderzoeker)
The efficacy of oral and subcutaneous antigen-specific immunotherapy in murine cow's milk- and peanut allergy models
Marlotte M. Vonk (Onderzoeker); Laura Wagenaar (Onderzoeker); Raymond Pieters (Lector); Léon M.J. Knippels (Onderzoeker); L.E.M. Willemsen (Onderzoeker); J.J. Smit (Onderzoeker); BCAM van Esch (Onderzoeker); J. Garssen (Onderzoeker)
Improved Efficacy of Oral Immunotherapy Using Non-Digestible Oligosaccharides in a Murine Cow's Milk Allergy Model
Marlotte M. Vonk (Onderzoeker); Mara A.P. Diks (Onderzoeker); Laura Wagenaar (Onderzoeker); J.J. Smit (Onderzoeker); Raymond Pieters (Lector); Johan Garssen (Onderzoeker); Betty C.A.M. van Esch (Onderzoeker); Léon M.J. Knippels (Onderzoeker)
Generalized Hyperalgesia in children and adults diagnosed with Hypermobility Syndrome and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Hypermobility type: a discriminative analysis
Scheper, M.C.; Pacey, V.; Rombaut, L.; Adams, R.D.; Tofts, L.; Calders, P.; Nicholson, L.L.; Engelbert, R.H.H.
Pressure ulcers in trauma patients with suspected spine injury: a prospective cohort study with emphasis on device-related pressure ulcers
Marieke J. Schuurman (Lector); Luke Leenen; Lisette Schoonhoven; Wietske Blom-Ham (Onderzoeker)
Substitution of general practitioners by nurse practitioners in out-of-hours primary care: a quasi-experimental study
M van der Biezen; Lisette Schoonhoven; N. Wijers; R. van der Burgt; M. Wensing; Miranda Laurant