A systematic validation of the Empathic Handover approach guided by five factors that foster empathy in design
Smeenk, W. (Lector); Sturm, J.A. (Lector); Eggen, J.H. (Onderzoeker); Terken, J. (Onderzoeker)
Nyasha Harper-Michon
Jax, The Architecture
Limandjaja, S (Steven) (Student)
Development and validation of a patient decision aid for prostate Cancer therapy
Anshu Ankolekar; Ben G. L. Vanneste; Esther Bloemen-van Gurp (Lid Lectoraat); Joep G. van Roermund; Evert J. van Limbergen; Kees van de Beek; Tom Marcelissen; Victor Zambon; Matthias Oelke; Andre Dekker; Cheryl Roumen; Philippe Lambin (Docent); Adriana Berlanga; Rianne Fijten
Treating phantom limb pain following amputation
Andreas Rothgangel (Lid Lectoraat); Rob Smeets; Susy Braun (Lector); Sandra Beurskens (Lector)
Blending into the White Box of the Art Museum
Vera Lange; Marleen van Beuzekom; Michel Hansma; Jasper Jeurens; Willemiek van den Oever; Marjolein Regterschot; Jille Treffers; Koen van Turnhout; T Sezen; I Iurgel; René Bakker
Early concept validation through provocative experience prototyping
A.J. Quanjer (Lid Lectoraat); Antti Jylhä (Lid Lectoraat); J.P. (Jos) van Leeuwen (Lector)
Co-Creating a Wayfinding App for Visually Impaired
van der Bie, Joey (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci)); Jaschinski, Christina; Ben Allouch, Somaya; Kröse, Ben
Application of a theory-based method in educational programs for designing persuasive eHealth: A Dutch experience
Laurence Alpay; Harmen Bijwaard; Rob Doms
Onderzoeksrapport opdrachtgever: Koffielover
T. Verdegaal (Student); E. Grummels; N. Putten, van