Ankle proprioception is not targeted by exercises on an unstable surface
Henri Kiers; Simon Brumagne; Jaap van Dieën; Philip van der Wees; Luc Vanhees
Dependencies of driver steering control parameters
Joop Pauwelussen
Tuning a velocity-based dynamic controller for unicycle mobile robots with genetic algorithm
Martins, Felipe Nascimento (Sensors And Smart Systems); Almeida, Gustavo Maia
The assessment of blood vessel properties by means of automatic ECG detection.
Hubert Bessems (Student)
Onderuitgezakt zitten, wie doet dit niet!? : Welke invloed heeft onderuitgezakt zitten op de proprioceptie van de lage rug?
Jiska Nooijen (Student); Marleen Gosens (Student)
Terrain referenced navigation using a GPS approach
P. J. Oonincx; D. Vaman
Self separation support for unmanned aircraft systems
J. Tadema; E. Theunissen