A core capability framework for physiotherapists to deliver quality care when working with people living with dementia and their families/caregivers
Taylor, Morag E; Sverdrup, Karen; Ries, Julie; Rosendahl, Erik; Tangen, Gro Gujord; Telenius, Elisabeth; Lawler, Katherine; Hill, Keith; Toots, Annika; Hobbelen, Hans (Ageing And Allied Health Care); Bello-Haas, Vanina Dal; Hall, Abi; Hunter, Susan W; Goodwin, Victoria A; Whitney, Julie; Callisaya, Michele
In de Voetstappen van het Verleden
Thom de Gooijer (Student)
Overgangen in het onderwijs
Bochane, Margot; Steenbeek, Henderien; Luinge, Margreet; Oelen, Aline
Understanding generational patterns in plant-based drink consumption in the Netherlands and Canada
Chastelet, R. van (Student); Boxen, M.
The Canadian CSA Model as a Form of Diversification on Farms in Flevoland
Mul, E. (Student); Kuiper, S.
De vliegende start.
Priscilla Singosentono (Student); Marjolein van Hout (Begeleider)
Verantwoordingsverslag: Evaluatieonderzoek Kalfsbeek Dak & Wand B.V
Jeroen Kalfsbeek (Student)
Behind the filter: Exploring public perceptions of horse welfare across riding disciplines through Instagram
Bürgin, J. (Student); Rodenboog, J.
The Human Factor: How Our Personalities Shape Horse Behaviour and Well-Being
Schätzmüller, C. (Student); Kuypers, M.
How the menstruation affects the perceived effort of rinding
Buitink, D. (Student); Brabander, E. de