Robust algae for aquaculture
Gabriëlle Verbeeke (Student); Jasper van Houcke (Begeleider); J.P.A. van der Vleuten (Begeleider); Christos Latsos (Begeleider); Alco Nijssen (Begeleider)
drs. Roos Gerritsma (Associate Lector); Jacques Vork (Associate Lector)
Ready for goal setting?
Anita Stevens; Albère Köke; Trudy van der Weijden; Anna Beurskens
Market entry strategy for disinfection product: SECADIS
A. Kullmann (Student); M. Böhm-Beck (Begeleider); Sarah de Bakker (Begeleider)
Preparing students for global citizenship: the effects of a Dutch undergraduate honors course
Schutte, Ingrid W.; Kamans, Elanor (Talent Development In Higher Education And Society); Wolfensberger, Marca; Veugelers, Wiel
Involvement of people with dementia in making decisions about their lives: a qualitative study that appraises shared decision-making concerning daycare
Leontine Groen- van der Ven; Carolien Smits (Lector); Fuusje de Graaff (Docent); Marijke Span (Lid Lectoraat); Jan Eefsting; Jan Jukema; Myrra Vernooij-Dassen
Opportunities of mHealth in preconception care: preferences and experiences of patients and health care providers and other involved professionals
M.R. van Dijk; M.P.H. Koster; A.N. Rosman; R.P.M. Steegers-Theunissen
Series: Practical guidance to qualitative research
Albine Moser; Irene Korstjens
The Co-creation and Feasibility of a Compassion Training as a Follow-up to Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy in Patients with Recurrent Depression
Schuling, Rhoda (Healthy Lifestyle, Sports And Physical Activity); Huijbers, Marloes; Koster, Frits; Van Den Brink, Erik; Van Ravesteijn, Hiske; Speckens, Anne; Jansen, Hetty; Metzemaekers, Renée
Developing a patient decision aid for the treatment of women with early stage breast cancer
W. Savelberg; T. van der Weijden; L. Boersma; M. Smidt; C. Willekens; Albine Moser