Perspectives of patients and health-care professionals on physical activity of hospitalized patients
Kirsten de Klein; Karin Valkenet; Cindy Veenhof (Lector)
The power of argument
Hens Runhaar (Onderzoeker); Piety Runhaar (Onderzoeker); Machiel Bouwmans (Onderzoeker); Simon Vink (Onderzoeker); Arjen Buijs (Onderzoeker); David Kleijn (Onderzoeker)
Predictors of Change of Working Alliance Over the Course of Probation Supervision: A Prospective Cohort Study
Annelies Sturm (Lid Lectoraat); Anneke Menger (Lector); Vivienne de Vogel (Lector); Marcus J.H. Huibers
Children and adolescents with Marfan Syndrome
de Koning, Lisanne; Warnink, Jessica; Scheper, Mark; de Vries, Janneke; Menke, Leonie; Rombaut, Lies; Engelbert, Raoul
Dietary diversity and its effects on smallholder cashew farmers
Collins, E. (Student); Heger, M.C.
The immediate influence of implicit motor learning strategies on spatiotemporal gait parameters in stroke patients
Melanie Kleynen (Lid Lectoraat); Li-Juan Jie (Lid Lectoraat); Kyra Theunissen (Lid Lectoraat); Sascha M. C. Rasquin; Rich S.W. Masters; Kenneth Meijer; Sandra Beurskens (Lector); Susy Braun (Lector)
The PIE=M project
Bouma, Adrie
A study into the severity of forensic and civil inpatient aggression
Anneloes Huitema; Nienke Verstegen; Vivienne de Vogel (Lector)
Attitudinal factors and the intention to learn English in pre-vocational secondary bilingual and mainstream education
J.L. Denman; E.J. van Schooten; R. de Graaff
The influence of personality and working memory capacity on implicit learning.
Guzmán Muñoz, Francisco Javier