Cloud Computing Adoption and E-government
Ioannis Nanos; Nikos Misirlis; Vicky Manthou
Real time is real money: the effectiveness of RTM as a strategy to increase the sharing of brand tweets
Komala Mazerant; Lotte Willemsen; Anne-Lise Kamphuis; Gerrita van der Veen
Effectieve en hedendaagse B2B marketing
Sandra Kuyf (Student)
The influence of prior knowledge and viewing repertoire on learning from video
de Boer, Jelle; Kommers, Piet A. M.; de Brock, Bert; Tolboom, Jos
Older people's perspectives regarding the use of sensor monitoring in their home
Pol, Margriet; van Nes, Fenna; van Hartingsveldt, Margo; Buurman, Bianca; de Rooij, Sophia; Kröse, Ben
Develop Virtual Reality Business to the [Netherlands]
Jos Schroder (Begeleider); Jiayi Wang (Student)
Improving financial advisory services by using the Balanced Scorecard management control system
E.J. Willekes; Krisztina Sadeghi-Toth (Student)
Sport physical education and coaching in health (SPEACH project)
de Jong, Johan (Healthy Lifestyle, Sports And Physical Activity); Skovgaard, T.; Knudsen, L.S.
Combining qualitative design-based methods and quantitative consumer research methods to improve customer experience in small service businesses
Christine Lille, de; Remko Lugt, van der (Lector); Gerrita Veen, van der (Lector)
Mapping out the customer’s journey
Drs Robert van Ossenbruggen; Dr Gerrita van der Veen (Lector)