A scenario study on future demands on container and truck sizes of the future
Jan Jansen; B. Kraaijenhagen; H. Graser; Stef Weijers; I. Szylar
Light therapy: Methodological issues from an engineering perspective
A.C. Westerlaken; A.M.C. Schoutens; M.P.J. Aarts; M.B.C. Aries; M.M. Sinoo (Lid Lectoraat); J. van Hoof (Lid Lectoraat); Eveline Wouters
The computer disappears, the environment becomes smart
Leeuwen, h. (Henk) van (Lector)
Action research as a qualitative research approach for understanding technology professional development in higher education
MA, MSc Maurice Schols
Light therapy: Methodological issues from an engineering perspective.
J. van Hoof (Lid Lectoraat); Myriam Aries; EJM Wouters (Lector); Van Someren; Schoutens; Westerlaken; Mariëlle P.J. Aarts; Sinoo
Communities of practice: pedagogy and internet-based technologies to support educator's continuing technology professional development in higher education
Maurice Schols (Docent)
The balancing act of optimised value creation
Gilbert Silvius (Lector); Anand Sheombar (Lid Lectoraat); Kobus Smit (Lid Lectoraat)
Towards a Framework of Cooperation Issues in Base of the Pyramid Projects
Drs. A.J.G. Silvius (Lector); J. Smit (Lid Lectoraat); Anand Sheombar (Lid Lectoraat)