Thermal walk in practice - Marineterrein
Caverzam Barbosa, Erica; Klok, Lisette
The paradoxes of communication and collaboration in maternity care
Irene Korstjens (Lid Lectoraat); Jessica Mesman; Isabel van Helmond; Raymond de Vries (Lid Lectoraat); Marianne Nieuwenhuijze (Lector)
Growing the South China Tigers in Hong Kong
Pratt, Robert Tobias (Student); Madokwenyu, Pachena; Powell, Claire
eHealth education in primary care practice : part 3
Elisa J. F. Houwink; Marise J. Kasteleyn; Laurence Alpay (Associate Lector); Christopher Pearce; Kerryn Butler-Henderson; Eline Meijer; Sanne van Kampen; Anke Versluis; Tobias N. Bonten; Jens H. van Dalfsen
The convenient city: smart urbanism for a resilient city
Roggema, Rob; Biloria, Nimish
Taking initiative; becoming a critical friend
Grit, Alexander
Determinants of physical activity in wheelchair users with spinal cord injury or lower limb amputation: perspectives of rehabilitation professionals and wheelchair users
van den Akker, Lizanne E.; Holla, Jasmijn F.M.; Dadema, Tessa (Faculteit Gezondheid); Visser, Bart (Faculteit Gezondheid); Valent, Linda J.; de Groot, Sonja; Dallinga, Joan M.; Deutekom, Marije
Measuring safety in aviation
Papanikou, M. (Lectoraat Aviation Engineering); Roelen, A.
Preventing frailty in older people
Paola Obbia; Clair Graham; Raymond Duffy; R.J.J. Gobbens (Lector)
“I’m sure we talked about it”: Midwives experiences of ethics education and ethical dilemmas
Michele Megregian; Lisa Kane Low; Cathy Emeis; Raymond de Vries (Lid Lectoraat); Marianne Nieuwenhuijze (Lector)