Introducing the Clean-Tech Adoption Model: A California Case Study
Bijlveld, P.C. (Paul) (Lector); Riezebos, P. (Peter) (Studentresearcher); Wierstra, E. (Erik) (Lector)
User needs and ambient-assisted living in the Netherlands
J. van Hoof (Docent); E.J.M. Wouters (Lector)
Telecare adoption and technology acceptance
D.G. Bouwhuis; A.A.G. Sponselee; L.M.J. Meesters
Metastructuration actions of management: critical for stakeholder intervention in IS/IT implementations
Dr. Ben Fruytier (Lector); Benny de Waal (Lid Lectoraat); Ronald Batenburg (Onderzoeker)
Alizadeh, S.; Kanis, M.; Veenstra, Mettina; Spink, Andrew; Grieco, Fabrizio; Krips, Olga; Loijens, Leanne; Noldus, Lucas; Zimmerman, Patrick
Exploring the influence of age, gender, education and computer experience on robot acceptance by Older adults
Marcel Heerink
The influence of e-books on authors, publicists, customers and book shops : a success or a failure?
Yael R. Dethy (Student); J. Veldman (Begeleider)
Can smart home technology deliver on the promise of independent living?
Eveline J.M. Wouters (Lector); Sil Aarts (Lid Lectoraat); Sebastiaan T. M. Peek (Onderzoeker)
Effective use of smart home technology to increase well-being
Don Bouwhuis; Ben Schouten (Lector); Paul Rutten; Anne-mie Sponselee (Lid Lectoraat)
Towards a system for allocated peer tutoring via instant messaging.
Prof. dr. Peter Sloep (Lector); Drs. Gijs de Bakker (Docent); Prof. dr. Wim Jochems (Docent)