History in progress Uganda
Stultiens, Andrea
Normative nasalance data in Ugandan english-speaking children.
Anke Luyten (Docent); E. D'haeseleer; A. Hodges; G. Galiwango; H. Vermeersch; K. van Lierde; T. Boudolfsen
Establishing a common understanding : an analysis of firm-farmer partnerships and contracting on oil seed production in Uganda : a case of Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV) and Agency for Accelerated Regional Development (AFARD)
Chaumbe, C.T. (Student); Hesselink, E.
Challenges and opportunities in firm-farmer relationships in commercial coffee: a case of Star Cafe Ltd and Small Holder Farmers, Uganda
Zonde, S.A. (Student); Hesselink, E.
Constraints in firm-farmer partnership and contracting : taking market linkages to another level
Gwiriri, L.C. (Student); Houwers, G.
The tango of aids and coffee farming households : coping mechanisms of households to mitigate the impacts of aids on human capital in coffee production systems of Masaka District in Uganda
Musenze, R. (Student); Kingma, K.
Beyond ICT4D
Lovink, G.W. (Lectoraat Netwerkcultuur)
Tree use in Gulu, Uganda : research about the tree-use of the local people of Gulu District
Derksen, S. (Student); Hettema, A.
Farmers' participation for successful rural food security : effectiveness of farmers' participations in NAADS project for improved yields : the case study of Pader district, Uganda
Morrish, O. (Student); Gildemacher, B.H.
Assessment of the Irrigation Potential in Burundi, Eastern DRC, Kenya, Rwanda, Southern Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda : research into irrigation determining factors
Brandsma, J. (Student); Hoof, H. van; Droogers, P.; Terink, W.