Zocht je misschien: aard?
Prenatal X-ray Exposure and the Risk of Developing Pediatric Cancer
Fleur Wit (Lid Lectoraat); Colinda Vroonland (Lid Lectoraat); Harmen Bijwaard (Lector)
Visitors of the Dutch drug checking services: Profile and drug use experience
Koning, Raoul Pieter Joost; Benschop, Annemieke (Faculteit Gezondheid); Wijffels, Camiel; Noijen, Judith
Collaboration of Youth Social Work Professionals with Volunteers, Parents and Other Professionals
Rumping, S. M. (Lectoraat Jeugdzorg); Manders, W. A.; Metz, J. W.
Impressions, messages and recommendations
Snoek, Marco (Faculteit Onderwijs En Opvoeding (Foo)); Zgaga, Pavel; Eisenschmidt, Eve
Designing and realizing circular urban road renovation
Goselink, E (Erik) (Researcher)
Designing a capsule collection for men and women for everyday life
Lilgová, H (Henrieta) (Student)
Policy on board ships to prevent drugs trafficking
Thomas Steenackers (Student); Marius Meerburg (Docent); Peter Harts (Docent); A. Abts (Begeleider)
An exploration of the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation for communication professionals
López Jiménez, Eduardo Alejandro; Ouariachi Peralta, Tania (Communication, Behaviour & Sustainable Society)
I’m not your stereotype: gendering entrepreneurial education (EE)
Stoker, Saskia (Lectoraat Ondernemerschap); Wakkee, Ingrid; Martens, Jeanne
Scaling knowledge and innovations for food and nutrition security
Körner, Jana; Lammers, Ellen; Lubberink, Rob; de Winter, Daniëlle