How deals the Dambuza primary school with the (special) educational needs that learners have and how can this be improved?
Nathalie Hettinga; Hennie Annema
Adding Value To The Next Generation
Schamhart, QA (Quinten) (Student)
A philosophy of weaving the web
Lovink, Geert (Lectoraat Netwerkcultuur)
Design the hydrofoil control system
Flip Wubben (Begeleider); M. Colon (Begeleider); H. Du (Student)
Reducing long-term working stress with Buddhism approaches
Niclas Kuck; Willem Boersma
Vaste bezoekers door Samenwerking tussen SEO en Usability
Vervoort, Anne (Student); Adams, M.; Goossens, R.
Raising the Dynamics: Simulation-based Performance Analysis for Lelystad Airport
Mujica Mota, Miguel; Scala, Paolo; DeBock, Nico
Reconfigurable Equiplets Operating System A Hybrid Architecture to Combine Flexibility and Performance for Manufacturing
Tommas Bakker (Student); John-Jules Meyer; Erik Puik (Lector); Daniël Telgen (Lid Lectoraat); Leo van Moergestel (Lid Lectoraat)
Eijkhoudt, Arnim; Vos, Sijmen; Stander, Adrie; Rudolph, Carsten; Kuntze, Nicolai; Endicott-Popovsky, Barbara; Maña, Antonio
Adding Reconfiguration to an Agile Agent Based Production Grid
Leo van Moergestel (Lid Lectoraat); Daniël Telgen (Lid Lectoraat); Laurens van den Brink (Onderzoeker); John-Jules Meyer