21st century (clinical) decision support in nursing and allied healthcare. Developing a learning health system: a reasoned design of a theoretical framework
M. van Velzen; H.I. de Graaf-Waar; T. Ubert; R.F. van der Willigen; L. Muilwijk; M.A. Schmitt; M.C. Scheper; N.L.U. van Meeteren
Board talk: How members of executive hospital boards influence the positioning of nursing in crisis through talk
Arjan Verhoeven; Henri Marres; Erik van de Loo; Pieterbas Lalleman (Lector)
Begrijp jij het ? Mixed-method monitor van overheidsteksten
Els van der Pool (Lector); Mischa Corsius (Onderzoeker); Wouter Sluis-Thiescheffer (Lector)
Lessons learned from nursing crisis meetings: Qualitative study to evaluate nurses' experiences and needs
Annemarie de Vos; Sabine op 't Hoog
Learning to think critically through Socratic dialogue: Evaluating a series of lessons designed for secondary vocational education
Mahoney, B.Barry (Lectoraat Burgerschapsonderwijs); Oostdam, R.Ron (Lectoraat Maatwerk In Leren En Instructie); Nieuwelink, H.Hessel (Kenniscentrum Onderwijs En Opvoeding); Schuitema, J.Jaap
Towards responsible use of artificial intelligence in daily practice: what do physiotherapists need to know, consider and do?
M.C. Scheper; M. van Velzen; N.L.U. van Meeteren
Enhancing the Inclusivity and Effectiveness of European Climate Action through Lessons from Participatory Action Research with Activist Groups
Jonas Carinhas (Onderzoeker)
Research Handbook on International Food Law
Michael T. Roberts; Bart Wernaart (Lector)
Disentangling Co-creation and Social Innovation
Meister-Broekema, Peter (Living Environment In Transition); Bulder, E.A.M.; Horlings, Lummina G.