The social media marketing plan of Indibleu
Riphagen, C (Claudia) (Student)
Power Of The Homeroom
Cunovic, L (Lucija) (Student)
Bachelorscriptie marketing Ribhouse Texas Voorst
Leer, J (Jaime) van (Student)
Een gastvrije entree
Braak, MW (Marèl) ter (Student)
Financing the circular economy in the tourism sector
Jin Hooi Chan; Angelo Sciacca; Anne-Marie Coles; Helen Roskam; Eline Brutyn; Athina Piterou; Ageeth van Maldegem; Eliane Métreau; Jacqueline Zavala; Dries Debruyne; Marijke Brinkman
City Marketing: how to do it succesful
Alsem, Karel Jan
Online peer-to-peer hospitality
André F. Durão (Onderzoeker); Xander Lub (Lector)
Digital marketing strategy
Vohradská, M (Markéta) (Student)
Modeling Facebook users’ behavior towards the use of Facebook pages related to healthy diet and sport activities
Nikos Misirlis; Marjon Elshof; M. Vlachopoulou
Twente Bentheim Pass
Pleuger, L (Linda) (Student)