Exploring feedback and instruction modalities using low fidelity prototypes for running
Jos Goudsmit; Steven Vos
Advancing digital behavior change interventions by exploring a calendar-based suggestion system
Ida Damen; Roy van den Heuvel; Rens Brankaert; Steven Vos
Digital Escape Rooms as Innovative Pedagogical Tools in Education: A Systematic Literature Review
Makri, Agoritsa; Vlachopoulos, Dimitrios; Martina, Richard A.
Future trends for the structural inspection and assesment of masonry structures : [vision based assessment of masonry structures]
Dais, Dimitrios
Towards a Natural Social Contract
Patrick Huntjens (Lector)
Sustaining Relevance
P.C. van Fenema; Ton van kampen; G.L. de Gooijer; Nynke Faber; Harm Hendriks; Andre Hoogstrate; Loe Schlicher
Evaluatie Toukomstpanel: samenvatting en conclusies
Bock, Bettina; Ubels, Hiska
Kickoff Learning Journey WaterstofLab
Aué, Jan-jaap
KnowLab Futures Literacy
Muskens, Akko; van der Klauw, Elly; Kazemier, Elles; Damhof, Loes
Dance movement therapy for clients with a personality disorder
Simone Kleinlooh (Lid Lectoraat); Rosemarie Samaritter (Lid Lectoraat); R.M. van Rijn; G. Kuipers; J.H. Stubbe