Emerging self-regulation initiatives to stimulate fair employment practices in the Netherlands?
van Lieshout, Harm (Human Capital); Scholing, Anneloes
3rd Understanding Small Enterprises (USE) Conference 2015
van Lieshout, Harm; Scholing, Anneloes; Geling, Kathinka
The relevance of work-related learning for vulnerable groups.
Storm, Ilse; Uiters, Ellen; Busch, Mirjam C.M.; den Broeder, Lea (Lectoraat Gezondheid En Omgeving); Schuit, Albertine J
Mandatory volunteer work as fair reciprocity for unemployment and social benefits?
Veldboer, Lex (Lectoraat Stedelijk Sociaal Werk); Kleinhans, Reinout; van Ham, Maarten
Heading towards a desirable future
Baillergeau, Evelyne; Duyvendak, Jan Willem; Abdallah, Sebastian
Does the Health Hub Roden benefit individual firms and/or the region in terms of employment development?
Talen, Jeltje
Preventing mismatch? A regional labour market pilot
van Lieshout, Harm (Human Capital); Scholing, Anneloes; Geling, Kathinka
Labour and health
Polstra, Louis (Labour Participation)
Energyzing labour
van Lieshout, Harm (Human Capital); Polstra, Louis (Labour Participation)