Presentatie bij sessie EBN op het podium van bestuurlijk lef.
Tempelman, Daisy G.
Slotevenement Coöperatief in Balans
van der Schoor, Tineke; Slager-Nieuwsma, Hester; Pierie, Frank; Timmerman, Wim; Tempelman, Daisy G.
Fascinate and Connect
Hein, Antonia; Elving, Wim; Koster, Sjerdjan; Edzes, Arjen
New Energy Forum
van der Schoor, Tineke; Timmerman, Wim; Pierie, Frank; Slager-Nieuwsma, Hester; Tempelman, Daisy G.; Lakerink, Vincent
Second International Conference on New Pathways for a Just and Inclusive Energy Transition: Connecting Multiple Stakeholders and Levels
Germes, Lynette
SynergyS: Multi-commodity energy systems
Vos, Ewoud (System Integration In The Energy Transition)
Kick Off of the Interreg Europe project UNLOCK - Unlocking Green Hydrogen Economy for SMEs in European Regions
Kviatek, Beata
SynergyS: Multi-commodity energy systems
Vos, Ewoud
People, Place and Energy. Mapping Spatial and Landscape Consequences of the Hydrogen Economy
van Dam, Kim ; van Spijk, Alex