Motivations for shade-grown cocoa production in Ghana : a research into the motivations of Ghanaian cocoa farmers in the Nyinahini and Bia projects of the Agro Eco-Louis Bolk Institute whether or not to produce cocoa under shady circumstances and which shade tree species are found most desirable or undesirable
Hoogendijk, T. (Student); Duijl, E. van; Toose, W.-A.
Tree use in Gulu, Uganda : research about the tree-use of the local people of Gulu District
Derksen, S. (Student); Hettema, A.
Duurzaam bomenbeleid gemeente Hardenberg : bomenstructuurplan 2010 - 2030
Gerritsen, R. (Student); Raggers, J.
Landschappelijke lanen
Ketelaars, D. (Student); Wijnbeek, N. (Student); Martin, J.
TUI Nederland : the sustainable travel organisation
Z. Kahar (Begeleider); Corinne Meijers (Student)
De Stichtse Hof: gezond en met plezier tot aan het pensioen
Zinsmeister, Joop; Speleers, Brigit; Andreoli, Paul; van Gennip, Trees; Pannevis, Maarten
The Business Value of IT; Seeing the Forest through the Trees
Drs. A.J.G. Silvius (Lector)
Bridging the gap between technological possibilities and the people : the case of citrus farming Makueni District, Kenya.
Kamula, J.M. (Student); Moor, I. de