Minister Koolmees onderschat de welzijnssector
Rogier van 't Rood; Christa Nieuwboer
Medido: Een onderzoek bij thuiswonende ouderen van 55 jaar en ouder binnen Thuiszorg West-Brabant en Thebe
Jade Vermeer; Maaike Schot; Ayse Genc; Meike van der Lee; Sharon Zwinkels; Cindy de Bot; Miriam Reelick; Tatiana Goijaerts
Marfan syndrome in childhood: parents' perspectives of the impact on daily functioning of children, parents and family; a qualitative study
Warnink-Kavelaars, Jessica; Beelen, Anita; Dekker, Sarah; Nollet, Frans; Menke, Leonie A.; Engelbert, Raoul H.H.
Robotic Platform Research PP presentation
Cock Heemskerk; Lucien Fesselet (Student)
Robotic Platform Research
Cock Heemskerk; Lucien Fesselet (Student)
Influencing Baccalaureate Nursing Students' Perceptions of Community Care with Targeted Curriculum Redesign Strategies
Van Iersel, M.; Latour, C. (Lectoraat Geïntegreerde Complexe Zorg); De Vos, R.; Kirschner, P.; Scholte Op Reimer, W.
An explorative research about the applicability of chatbots at the FM service desk in offices
Cornax, LP (Laurens) (Student)
Characteristics of the patients of Hospice Balade: a unique hospice for people with limited access to hospice care
Michael Echteld (Lector); Linda Tielen; Gabriëlle van de Graaf; Michael Kolen
Writing the self for reconciliation and global citizenship
Reinekke Lengelle (Lid Lectoraat); Charity Jardine; Charlene Bonnar
Redesigning civic education
Christa Nieuwboer; Rogier van 't Rood