Teaching Dance in the 21st Century
Angela Linssen; John Taylor
Effects of data feedback in the teacher training community
Tamar Tas (Phd); Thoni Houtveen (Lector); Wim van de Grift (Onderzoeker)
Van niemand en van iedereen:
W. (Wim) Burggraaff (Onderzoeker); V.J.M. (Vincent) Smit (Lector)
Communicative and behavioral interventions to increase sustainability
Elving, Wim (Communication, Behaviour & Sustainable Society); Wiekens, Carina (Communication, Behaviour & Sustainable Society)
Resilience in practice – a transformative approach? A conversation with Henk Ovink, first Dutch Special Envoy for International Water Affairs
Bakema, Melanie; Restemeyer, Britta
Preparing researchers for patient and public involvement in scientific research
Maarten de Wit; Sandra Beurskens (Lector); Barbara Piskur (Lid Lectoraat); Esther Stoffers; Albine Moser (Lid Lectoraat)
Building connections for success
Hester Brauer (Lid Lectoraat)
Working towards a sustainable Curaçao
Kirsten Koeiman (Student); Gijs G.J.C. Vermeulen
(Personal) trainers en coaches
Dallinga, Joan; van der Werf, Jet; Deutekom, Marije
COHEHRE Academy: Ethics in Community Based Student Projects
Blankvoort, Nadine (Lectoraat Ergotherapie - Participatie En Omgeving); Hengelaar, Rieke (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Poerbodipoero, Soemitro (Lectoraat Ergotherapie - Participatie En Omgeving)