Jax, The Architecture
Limandjaja, S (Steven) (Student)
Forum of technology
Thinh Pham (Student)
A sense of home
Patrick Roegiers
Insights in the way safety can be improved for transgender asylum seekers: a study focused on increasing safety for transgender people in asylum seekers centres, which could lead to a better well-being of the target group
van der Wal, Marte (Student); Gunduz, M.
LELYSTAD AIRPORT : Impact on CO2 emissions when using the Noise Abatement Departure Procedure
Schrameijer, Guus (Student); Aazami, O.
Literature Review on Dual-Fuel Combustion Modelling
Menno Merts; S. Verhelst
Food terminal
Tianyi Xue (Student)
Cool space (Adaptintg) Dutch architecture for heat-waves
Yara Alnashawati (Student)
A new layer of Icelandic identity
Jeroen Thijssen (Student)
The role of the European Union in the Catalan Separation Crisis
Jet van der Kolk (Student); N. Schwan