Bridging Research and Practice in Teacher Education
Cijvat, Ina (Lectoraat Leren En Innoveren); Snoek, Marco (Lectoraat Leren En Innoveren); Mayo, Aziza; Symeonidis, Vasileios
Guidance for assessment of the inflammation etiologic criterion for the GLIM diagnosis of malnutrition: A modified Delphi approach
Jensen, Gordon; Cederholm, Tommy; Ballesteros-Pomar, Maria; Blaauw, Renee; Correia, Maria Isabel; Cuerda, Cristina; Evans, David; Fukushima, Ryoji; Ochoa Gautier, Juan; Gonzalez, Maria Cristina; van Gossum, Andre; Gramlich, Leah; Hartono, Josep; Heymsfield, Steven; Jager-Wittenaar, Harriët (Malnutrition And Healthy Ageing); Jayatissa, Renuka; Keller, Heather; Malone, Ainsley; Manzanares, William; McMahon, M Molly; Mendez, Yolanda; Mogensen, Kris; Mori, Naoharu; Muscaritoli, Maurizio; Contreras Nogales, Guillermo; Nyulasi, Ibolya; Phillips, Wendy; Pirlich, Matthias; Pisprasert, Veeradej; Rothenberg, Elisabet; de van der Schueren, Marian; Ping Shi, Han; Steiber, Alison; Winkler, Marion; Compher, Charlene; Barazzoni, Rocco
Comparative analysis of community forests in Nepal and their influence on forest cover
Feiersinger, S.J.P.D. (Student); Stilma, A.A.
CSI-CSI: Comparing several investigative approaches toward crime scene improvement
Knes, Anna S.; de Gruijter, Madeleine; Zuidberg, Matthijs C.; de Poot, Christianne J. (Lectoraat Forensisch Onderzoek)
A practice-based approach for businesses and their CEOs to become regenerative
Eric M.H. COORENS (Onderzoeker)
SUSTAIN : making space for transitions in art that matter (English version)
J.C. (Jacco) van Uden (Lector); Kim Caarls; Godelieve Spaas (Lector); Olga Mink; Marga Rotteveel; Tineke Abma; Kees Klomp; Tom Maassen; Marcel Kampman; Ine Mols; Dick Rijken; Vamba Sherif; Teun Vonk; Zeyneb Birsel; Margherita Soldati; Sandra Boer; Jetske Freeve; Verily Klaassen; Arne Hendriks; Edo Roos Lindgreen; Myriam Vandenbroucke
SUSTAIN : making space for transitions in art that matter (English version)
J.C. (Jacco) van Uden (Lector); Kim Caarls; Godelieve Spaas (Lector); Olga Mink; Marga Rotteveel
Optometrists need to incorporate their understanding of the impact of dry eye disease in their patient management
Zoë Mathan (Onderzoeker); Mirjam van Tilborg (Onderzoeker)
Reframing Communication about Fall Prevention Programs to Increase Older Adults’ Intentions to Participate
Meike van Scherpenseel (Onderzoeker); Lidia van Veenendaal (Onderzoeker); Saskia te Velde (Onderzoeker); Elise Volk (Onderzoeker); Di-Janne Barten (Onderzoeker); Cindy Veenhof (Lector); Mariëlle Emmelot-Vonk (Onderzoeker); Amber Ronteltap (Onderzoeker)
Scaling social impact. A framework for collaboration between social enterprises and for-profit enterprises
Leendert de Bell (Lector); Linda Bakker (Onderzoeker)