English in higher education
Sophie Janssen (Student); B.C. van der Sluijs
How can Scope utilise the critical success factors of Scope One to gain market share?
Joe Mackenzie (Student); Agota Szabo
Design of a Dynamic IR-TRACC Test Set-up
Daniel Leffelaar (Student); S. Panahkhahi
Feasibility of an enteroclysis pump for post-mortem computed tomography angiography (PMCTA)
M.E.M. Vester; E. Servaas (Student); L.F.M. Beenen; M. Clerkx; Astrid de la Rie (Student); N.H.J. Lobé; M.J.A. Vogel; R.R. van Rijn; R.J. Oostra
The effects on South Asian minorities post-Brexit
Aradhna Changoer (Student); Antje Grebner
The role of the European Union in the Catalan Separation Crisis
Jet van der Kolk (Student); N. Schwan
Prison counter-radicalisation strategies: comparative analysis of the United Kingdom and Belgium
Lisa Vastenhout (Student); M.J. Weijerman-Kerremans
Respect for autonomy versus health promotion
Veerman, G.L.; de Korte-Verhoef, M.C.; Stilma, W. (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality)
The use of rapid identification information at the crime scene; similarities and differences between English and Dutch CSIs
de Gruijter, Madeleine; de Poot, Christianne J. (Lectoraat Forensisch Onderzoek)
Musician, friend and muse: an ethnographic exploration of emerging practices of musicians devising co-creative musicking with elderly people
Dons, Karolien; Bisschop Boele, Evert; Gaunt, Helena; Sloboda, John; Wise, Karen