Do light sport facilities foster sports participation?
Julie Borgers; Bart Vanreusel; Steven Vos (Lector); Peter Forsberg; Jeroen Scheerder
Participation in cycling, at what cost?
Erik Thibaut; Steven Vos; Wim Lagae; Tom Van Puyenbroeck; Jeroen Scheerder
Towards level playing fields?
Hanne Vandermeerschen; Steven Vos (Lector); Jeroen Scheerder
Positive Behavior Support in sport clubs in the Netherlands: first experiences
Hofenk, Harold (Sports Science); van Veldhoven, Nicolette; Bronkhorst, Arnold
#BeActive European Week of Sport
de Jong, Johan
Activities of daily living in children with developmental coordination disorder
Moraal-van der Linde, Berdien; Netten, Jaap; Otten, Bert; Postema, Klaas; Geuze, Reint; Schoemaker, Marina
17th World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT) Congress 2015, Networking Session
Hobbelen, Hans; Goncalves-Mantellini, G.; Can, F.
Kick off meeting SPEACH EU project
de Jong, Johan; Bruining, Carin
Sport participation styles revisited
Julie Borgers; Erik Thibaut; Hanne Vandermeerschen; Bart Vanreusel; Steven Vos (Lector); Jeroen Scheerder
Protocol of a longitudinal cohort study on physical activity behaviour in physically disabled patients participating in a rehabilitation counselling programme
Alingh, Roelina; Hoekstra, Femke; van der Schans, Cees (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Hettinga, Florentina; Dekker, Rienk; van der Woude, Lucas