Structural design and material comparison for aircraft wing box beam panel
Korba, Peter; Al-Rabeei, Samer; Hovanec, Michal; Sekelová, Ingrid; Kale, Utku (Lectoraat Aviation Engineering)
Energy, exergy, economic, environmental, and sustainability assessments of the CFM56-3 series turbofan engine used in the aviation sector
Korba, Peter; Balli, Ozgur; Caliskan, Hakan; Al-Rabeei, Samer; Kale, Utku (Lectoraat Aviation Engineering)
Thermodynamics, environmental damage cost, exergoeconomic, life cycle, and exergoenvironmental analyses of a JP-8 fueled turbodiesel aviation engine at take-off phase
Korba, Peter; Balli, Ozgur; Caliskan, Hakan; Al-Rabeei, Samer; Kale, Utku (Lectoraat Aviation Engineering)