Performance and stress levels of horses in a L1 dressage competition compared for a crossunder bitless bridle and a bridle containing a snaffle bit
Stehouwer, A. (Student); Beekman, S.; Calkoen, M.
The ins and outs of the subscribers and readers of De Paardenkrant and Bit : a market research
Delft, M. van (Student); Beekman, S.; Jaarsma-Teuling, M.
A comprehensive summary of the scientific literature on Horse Assisted Education in Germany
Bogner, F. (Student); Beekman, S.; Neuse, V.; Wiggers, T.
The ins and outs of the subscribers and readers of De Paardenkrant and Bit : a market research
Delft, M. van (Student); Beekman, S.; Jaarsma-Teuling, M.