Recognising the role of radiographers in MR safety and the contributions of the European Federation of Radiographer Societies
Anke de Bock; Johnathan MCNulty; Andrew England
Comparative analysis of radiation dose and low contrast detail detectability using routine paediatric chest radiography protocols
Al-Murshedi, Sadeq; Hogg, Peter; Meijer, Annemieke; Erenstein, Hendrik; England, Andrew
Experimental article – A balance between image quality and effective dose in orbital X-ray screening for ferromagnetic IOFBs: a pilot study
Abbas, Samara; Hart, Gabrielle; Jessop, Sarah; Santiago, Ana Rita; Markali, Benedicte; Cottier, Yann; Guerreiro, Joana; Andersen, Erik Normann; Momoniat, H.; Jorge, José; England, Andrew
Review article – X Radiation dose implications in screening patients with ferromagnetic IOFBs prior to MRI: a literary review
Abbas, Samara; Jessop, Sarah; Hart, Gabrielle; Santiago, Ana Rita; Markali, Benedicte; Cottier, Yann; Guerreiro, Joana; Andersen, Erik Normann; Momoniat, H.; Jorge, José; England, Andrew