Schoolbreed samen werken aan gedrag
Monique Nelen (Lid Lectoraat); Martijn Willemse (Associate Lector); Sui Lin Goei (Lector); Lara Engelsman (Lid Lectoraat); Rochelle Hurenkamp (Lid Lectoraat)
Higher education teachers’ understandings of and challenges for inclusion and inclusive learning environments
Tisja Korthals Altes (Lid Lectoraat); Martijn Willemse (Associate Lector); Sui Lin Goei (Lector); Melanie Ehren
Augmented Reality for Raising Students’ Behavior Management and Self-regulation Skills Within SWPBS
Sui Lin Goei; Lara Engelsman; Rochelle Hurenkamp
Cyclisch werken
Bakker, Carien; van Beuningen, Catherine (Lectoraat Taalontwikkeling En Meertaligheid I.O.); Knezic, Dubravka; de Vries, Siebrich; de Vries, Siebrich; Goei, Sui Lin; Verhoef, Nellie
Lesson study in Dutch initial teacher education explored : its potential and pitfalls
Tijmen M. Schipper (Associate Lector); Sui Lin Goei (Lector); Wouter R. Van Joolingen; T. Martijn Willemse (Associate Lector); Evelien C. Van Geffen
Cultural Challenges in Adapting SWPBIS to a Dutch Context
Monique J.M. Nelen (Lid Lectoraat); T. Martijn Willemse; Margreet A. van Oudheusden; Sui Lin Goei
Inclusie van Syrische vluchtelingenkinderen in het Turkse openbare onderwijs met positive behaviour support
Lale Hazar; Margreet van Oudheusden (Lid Lectoraat); Marius Stehouwer; Sui Lin Goei (Lector)
Bruggen bouwen in school en kinderopvang
Hanno van Keulen (Lector); Sui Lin Goei (Lector); Cathy van Tuijl; Ineke Oenema
Professional growth in adaptive teaching competence as a result of lesson study
Tijmen Schipper (Lid Lectoraat); Sui Lin Goei (Lector); Klaas Veen; Siebrich Vries
Positive behaviour support Europe network
Sui Lin Goei (Lector); Lefki Kourea