The effects of wheelchair mobility skills and exercise training on physical activity, fitness, skills and confidence in youth using a manual wheelchair
Marleen Sol (Lid Lectoraat); Olaf Verschuren; Henricus Horemans; Paul Westers; Anne Visser‑Meily; Janke de Groot (Lid Lectoraat)
Sports Participation, Physical Activity, and Health-Related Fitness in Youth With Chronic Diseases or Physical Disabilities
Kristel Lankhorst (Onderzoeker); Tim Takken (Onderzoeker); Maremka Zwinkels (Onderzoeker); Leendert van Gaalen (Onderzoeker); Saskia te Velde (Onderzoeker); Frank Backx (Onderzoeker); Olaf Verschuren (Onderzoeker); Harriët Wittink (Lector); Janke de Groot (Onderzoeker)
6-Minute Push Test in Youth Who Have Spina Bifida and Who Self-Propel a Wheelchair
Karlijn M.S. Damen (Onderzoeker); Tim Takken (Onderzoeker); Janke de Groot (Onderzoeker); Frank Backx (Onderzoeker); Bob Radder (Onderzoeker); I. Roos (Onderzoeker); Manon Bloemen (Onderzoeker)
Determinants of physical activity in young wheelchair-user with spina bifida
Manon Bloemen (Onderzoeker); Tim Takken (Onderzoeker); Janke de Groot (Onderzoeker); Cas Kruitwagen (Onderzoeker); Rosanne Rook (Onderzoeker); Rita van den Berg-Emons (Onderzoeker); Frank Backx (Onderzoeker)
Effects of a school-based sports program on psychosocial health and attention in youth with physical disabilities
Maremka Zwinkels; Marjolijn Ketelaar; Tanja Nijboer; Olaf Verschuren; Saskia te Velde (Lid Lectoraat); Janke de Groot (Lid Lectoraat); Tim Takken; Anne Visser‑Meily
Associations of sport participation with selfperception, exercise self-efficacy and quality of life among children and adolescents with a physical disability or chronic disease—a cross-sectional study
Saskia te Velde (Lid Lectoraat); Kristel Lankhorst (Lid Lectoraat); Maremka Zwinkels; Olaf Verschuren; Tim Takken; Janke de Groot (Lid Lectoraat)
Effects of a School-Based Sports Program on Physical Fitness, Physical activity, and Cardiometabolic Health in Youth With Physical Disabilities
Maremka Zwinkels; Olaf Verschuren; Astrid Balemans; Kristel Lankhorst (Lid Lectoraat); Saskia te Velde (Lid Lectoraat); Leendert van Gaalen (Lid Lectoraat); Janke de Groot (Lid Lectoraat); Anne Visser‑Meily; Tim Takken
Development of a wheelchair mobility skills test for children and adolescents: combining evidence with clinical expertise
Marleen Sol (Lid Lectoraat); Olaf Verschuren; Laura de Groot; Janke de Groot (Lid Lectoraat)
Measurement properties of maximal cardiopulmonary exercise tests protocols in persons after stroke: A systematic review
Harriët Wittink (Lector); Olaf Verschuren; Caroline B. Terwee; Janke de Groot (Lid Lectoraat); Gert Kwakkel; Ingrid G. van de Port
Wheelchair Shuttle Test for Assessing Aerobic Fitness in Youth With Spina Bifida: Validity and Reliability
Manon Bloemen (Lid Lectoraat); Janke de Groot (Lid Lectoraat); Frank Backx; Joyce Benner; Cas Kruitwagen; Tim Takken