Examining the voluntary deployment of people without a disability on behalf of people with disabilities “verwenzorg" (“LC”) as an example
Esther Kuis; Maaike Hermsen; Annelies van Heijst; Dr. Madeleine Timmermann; Petri Embregts
Examining the voluntary deployment of people wthout a isability on behalf of people with diabilities
Esther Kuis; Maaike Hermsen; Annelies van Heijst; Dr. Madeleine Timmermann; Petri Embregts
Examining the voluntary deployment of people without a disability on behalf of people with disabilities: "Verwenzorg" ("TLC") as an example.
Esther Kuis; Maaike Hermsen; Annelies van Heijst; Dr. Madeleine Timmermann; Petri Embregts
Duurzame inzetbaarheid : bittere noodzaak, maar geen bittere pil
Annet de Lange; Annelies van Heijst; Veronica Engelen