Fragile bones of elite cyclists: to treat or not to treat?
Luuk Hilkens; P. Knuiman; M. Heijboer; R. Kempers; A.E. Jeukendrup; Luc van Loon; Jan-Willem van Dijk
Last Word on Viewpoint: Fragile bones of elite cyclists: to treat or not to treat?
Luuk Hilkens; P. Knuiman; M. Heijboer; R. Kempers; A.E. Jeukendrup; Luc van Loon; Jan-Willem van Dijk
Reduced oxidation rates of ingested glucose during prolonged exercise with low endogenous CHO availability
A.E. Jeukendrup; L.B. Borghouts (Lector); W.H.M. Saris; A.J.M. Wagenmakers