Overexpression of delta-12 desaturase in the yeast Schwanniomyces occidentalis enhances the production of linoleic acid.
Dennis Lamers; Bram Visscher; R.A. Weusthuis; Christof Francke; R.H. Wijffels; Christien Lokman
Development of an NGS data analysis strategy to identify the microbial population present in mushroom compost
Christof Francke; Dennis Lamers; J. Bongers; N. Klijn; C. van der Horst; Christien Lokman
Selection of oleaginous yeasts for fatty acid production
Dennis Lamers; N. van Biezen; D. Martens; L. Peters; E. van de Zilver; N. Jacobs-van Dreumel; R.H. Wijffels; Christien Lokman