De kwaliteit van afstromend hemelwater in Nederland
Boogaard, Floris; Liefting, Erik; Langeveld, Jeroen G.; Palsma, Bert
Stormwater management strategies: source control versus end of pipe
Langeveld, Jeroen G.; Liefting, H.J.; Schilperoort, Ronald; Hof, Arjo; Baars, I.B.E.; Nijhof, H.; Boogaard, Floris; Kuiper, M.W.
Removal efficiency of storm water treatment techniques: standardized full scale laboratory testing
Boogaard, Floris; van de Ven, F.; Langeveld, Jeroen G.; Kluck, Jeroen; van de Giesen, Nick
Stormwater quality characteristics in (Dutch) urban areas and performance of settlement basins
Boogaard, Floris; van de Ven, Frans; Langeveld, Jeroen G.; van de Giesen, Nick
Uncertainties of stormwater characteristics and removal rates of stormwater treatment facilities
Langeveld, Jeroen G.; Liefting, H.J.; Boogaard, Floris