Biopsychosocial complexity in patients scheduled for elective TKA surgery
van der Linde, M.L.; Baas, D.C.; van der Goot, T.H.; Vervest, A.M.J.S.; Latour, C. (Lectoraat Geïntegreerde Complexe Zorg)
Fear of movement in patients referred to cardiac rehabilitation
Keessen, P (Lectoraat Oefentherapie); Den Uijl, I; Ter Hoeve, N; Visser, B (Lectoraat Oefentherapie); Latour, C; Sunamura, M; Jorstad, HT; Scholte Op Reimer, WJM; Kraaijenhagen, RA; Van Den Berg-Emons, HJG
Influencing Baccalaureate Nursing Students' Perceptions of Community Care with Targeted Curriculum Redesign Strategies
Van Iersel, M.; Latour, C. (Lectoraat Geïntegreerde Complexe Zorg); De Vos, R.; Kirschner, P.; Scholte Op Reimer, W.
The cardiac care bridge program
Verweij, L.; Jepma, P.; Buurman, B. M.; Latour, C. H. M.; Engelbert, R. H. H.; ter Riet, G.; Karapinar-Carkit, F.; Daliri, S.; Peters, R. J. G.; Scholte op Reimer, W. J. M.
Differences in comorbidities between men and women with heart failure exist
Heiligenberg, M. Marlies; Maaskant, J. M.; Latour, C. H. M.