Zocht je misschien: nascimenti, nascimento?
An open source framework for educational applications using cozmo mobile robot
Kusumota, Victor Luis Pires; Martins, Felipe Nascimento (Sensors And Smart Systems); Aroca, Rafael Vidal
Self-localization based on visual lane marking maps
Vivacqua, Rafael Peixoto Derenzi; Bertozzi, Massimo; Cerri, Pietro; Martins, Felipe Nascimento (Sensors And Smart Systems); Vassallo, Raquel Frizera
Junior soccer simulation - providing all primary and secondary students access to educational robotics
Martins, Felipe Nascimento (Sensors And Smart Systems); Gomes, Ivan Seidel; Santos, Carmen R. Faria
A vision-based line following strategy for an autonomous UAV
Martins, Felipe Nascimento (Sensors And Smart Systems); Brandão, Alexandre; Soneguetti, Higor
Soccer simulation league
Martins, Felipe Nascimento (Sensors And Smart Systems); Gomes, Ivan Seidel
The multilayer control scheme: a strategy to guide n-robots formations with obstacle avoidance
Brandão, Alexandre Santos; Rampinelli, Vinicius Thiago Lecco; Martins, Felipe Nascimento (Sensors And Smart Systems); Sarcinelli-Filho, Mário; Carelli, Ricardo
Tuning a velocity-based dynamic controller for unicycle mobile robots with genetic algorithm
Martins, Felipe Nascimento (Sensors And Smart Systems); Almeida, Gustavo Maia
Utilizacao de softwares livres no apoio as ativitades didaticas em disciplinas du curso de Engenharia de controle e automacao
da Silva, Thaynara Leal; da Costa, Wagner Teixeira; Martins, Felipe Nascimento (Sensors And Smart Systems)
Desenvolvimento de interface de comunicacao e expansao para kit de robotica educacional
Mendes, Daniel Barcelos; Martins, Felipe Nascimento (Sensors And Smart Systems)
A multi-layer control scheme for multi-robot formations with adaptive dynamic compensation
Brandao, Alexandre Santos; Martins, Felipe Nascimento (Sensors And Smart Systems); Rampinelli, Vinicius Thiago Lecco; Sarcinelli-Filho, Mario; Bastos-Filho, Teodiano Freire; Carelli, Ricardo