Overview of Wound Care Interventions for Hospital and Community Care Nurses: A Systematic Scoping Review
A. Bakker-Jacobs; J.H. Giesen; H. Vermeulen; Anneke van Vught; G. Huisman - de Waal
Investigating the Efficacy and Experiences With Narrative Exposure Therapy in Severe Mentally Ill Patients With Comorbid Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Receiving Flexible Assertive Community Treatment: A Mixed Methods Study
M Mauritz; Puck Goossens; R Jongedijk; H. Vermeulen; Betsie van Gaal (Onderzoeker)
A Quality Improvement Project to Support Post-Intensive Care Unit Patients with COVID- 19: Structured Telephone Support
S.A.J.J. Op 't Hoog; A.M. Eskes; J.A.H. van Oers; J.L. Boerrigter; M.W.J.C. Prins-Smulders; M. Oomen; J.G. van der Hoeven; H. Vermeulen; Lilian Vloet
Lessons learned from patients with spinal cord injury in managing pressure ulcers: A qualitative study
Betsie van Gaal; Marscha Engelen; Marian Adriaansen; H. Vermeulen; E de Laat; S. van Dulmen
Developing and testing a reflection method for guideline-based reporting in community nursing: A participatory design-based research approach
Nicole Vullings; M. Heinen; Marian Adriaansen; H. Vermeulen; Philip van der Wees; Marjo Maas
Dossier passende zorg; Ambitieuze nieuwe norm
B Wendt; S. van Dulmen; H. Vermeulen; G. Huisman - de Waal
Measuring self-efficacy and outcome expectancy in evidence-based practice: A systematic review on psychometric properties
P.A. Hoegen (Onderzoeker); C.M.A. de Bot (Onderzoeker); M.A. Echteld (Lector); H. Vermeulen (Onderzoeker)
A Blended Electronic Illness Management and Recovery Program for People With Severe Mental Illness: Qualitative Process Evaluation Alongside a Randomized Controlled Trial
T.A.A. Beentjes; Betsie van Gaal; H. Vermeulen; Ria Nijhuis-van der Sanden; Puck Goossens
Identifying the minimal important difference in patient-reported outcome measures in the field of people with severe mental illness: a pre-post-analysis of the Illness Management and Recovery Programme
T.A.A. Beentjes; S. Teerenstra; H. Vermeulen; Puck Goossens; Ria Nijhuis-van der Sanden; Betsie van Gaal
The effects of intensive care unit-initiated transitional care interventions on elements of post-intensive care syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis
S. op 't Hoog; A.M. Eskes; M. Mersbergen-de Bruin; Th. Pelgrim; H. v.d. Hoeven; H. Vermeulen; Lilian Vloet