How Much, What, When, with Whom and Where? a Deeper Understanding of Individual Patterns of Physical Activity Behavior in an Inpatient Rehabilitation Center
A. (Asa) Mennema (Onderzoeker); Aleid de Rooij (Onderzoeker); Karen A. van den Oever (Onderzoeker); Thea Vliet Vlieland (Onderzoeker); J.L. (Jorit) Meesters (Lector)
The effects of wheelchair mobility skills and exercise training on physical activity, fitness, skills and confidence in youth using a manual wheelchair
Marleen Sol (Lid Lectoraat); Olaf Verschuren; Henricus Horemans; Paul Westers; Anne Visser‑Meily; Janke de Groot (Lid Lectoraat)
Intensity of daily physical activity – a key component for improving physical capacity after minor stroke?
Hanneke Braakhuis (Lid Lectoraat); Jolanda M.B. Roelofs (Onderzoeker); M.A.M. (Monique) Berger (Lector); Vivian Weerdesteyn (Onderzoeker); Johannes B.J. Bussmann (Onderzoeker); Gerard M. Ribbers (Onderzoeker)
Demographic and health-related factors associated with reduced work functioning in people with moderate medically unexplained physical symptoms: a cross-sectional study
Mark van Tilburg (Lid Lectoraat); Paula Elisabeth van Westrienen; Martijn Pisters
A stepwise science-industry collaboration to optimize the calculation of energy expenditure during walking and running with a consumer-based activity device
Joost Oomen; Dennis Arts; Michel Sperling; Steven Vos
De toepasbaarheid van de Activ8 activiteiten monitor in het Erasmus MC
Suzanne Jansen (Student); Jorine Koopman; Hanneke Braakhuis
Validity of three accelerometers to investigate lying, sitting, standing and walking
Karin Valkenet; Cindy Veenhof (Lector)
Rolstoelmonitoring met de Wheelactiv8
Robbert de Leeuw (Student); Rienk van der Slikke; Monique Berger
Samenhang tussen loopactiviteit en vermoeidheidsklachten bij volwassenen met Cerebrale Parese
Lars van Loo (Student); Caroline Doorenbosch
Validatieonderzoek Activ8
Iris Klijsen (Student); Jos Goudsmit (Begeleider)