Developing a virtual reality application for online arts and psychomotor therapies using action research
Nathalie Jans (Onderzoeker); Hans Wouters (Onderzoeker); Joep Kolijn (Docent); Suzanne Haeyen (Lector)
Ethiek en integriteit in onderzoek
Dons, Karolien
Deep mapping in geography education
van der Vaart, Gwenda; van Hoven, Bettina; Humphris, Imogen (Music In Context)
The artist-researcher in the (northern Dutch/Icelandic) field, a case-study presentation of new-media arts project embedded in a large scientific consortium
Martinez Caram, Agustin
Coumans, Anke
Professional doctorate in arts and creative
Coumans, Anke
Teaching Composition in the 21st Century
Marijn Simons (Student); Kathinka Poismans (Begeleider)
Jaarcongres Vereniging Hogescholen
Martinez Caram, Agustin
Climate futures
Sánchez Querubín, Natalia; Niederer, Sabine (Lectoraat Visual Methodologies)
SUSTAIN : making space for transitions in art that matter (English version)
J.C. (Jacco) van Uden (Lector); Kim Caarls; Godelieve Spaas (Lector); Olga Mink; Marga Rotteveel; Tineke Abma; Kees Klomp; Tom Maassen; Marcel Kampman; Ine Mols; Dick Rijken; Vamba Sherif; Teun Vonk; Zeyneb Birsel; Margherita Soldati; Sandra Boer; Jetske Freeve; Verily Klaassen; Arne Hendriks; Edo Roos Lindgreen; Myriam Vandenbroucke