What CRM strategy would be most effective for KUGI in cultivating brand awareness and repeat purchases?
Mikke van Iersel (Student); Fabian Fagel (Begeleider)
Unveiling the path to millenials hearts: "what are the most effective strategies for creating awareness among the millenials for hospitaltiy startups?
Isabelle Kirkels (Student); Fabian Fagel (Begeleider)
Exploring the effect of rebranding on stakeholders
Anna Spenkelink; Rodney Westerlaken; Javed Suleri
The road to customer loyalty at thegreenlabels
Klára Nentvichová (Student)
CSR in the Dutch Banking Sector
Jet Hage (Student)
North Actionsports Group
van Doeselaar, Tjerk-Jan (Student); Pronk, Rem; de Bruin, Daniel
A sustainable feature
Barbra van den Meerendonk (Student); Jonneke F.M. de Koning
Optimalisatie van klanttevredenheid van het Palace-hotel
Robin de Graaf (Student)
Wel of geen courgettemerk?
Danny Sulkers (Student)
Building the brand
Amier Baker (Student)