From corporate towards 'shared' social responsibility?
Kviatek, Beata
Export Plan DinnerFresh
Aline Swinkels (Student); Agota Szabo
Embedding Sustainable Business Practice
R.E. Ainsbury (Lector)
How can stakeholder theory help improve the social performance of companies in the supply chain?
Sharron Haasnoot (Student); E.J. van Weperen
The path to a sustainable SME: The Van Houtum Story
S. Buivys (Docent); R.E. Ainsbury (Lector)
Corporate Social Responsibility, Doing Good or Doing Business?
B.A.M.M. Kuijpers (Begeleider); Sanne Klippel (Student)
Sustainable finance
Boersma, Margreet
Corporate Community Involvement and Social Alliances.
Stefan Ouweneel (Student); Masoud Banbersta (Begeleider)
Do you notice? Research on the implicit brand association transfer within an endorsed brand strategy.
de Bruijn, Gert-Jan; Elving, Wim (Communication, Behaviour & Sustainable Society)
Nokia's reputation and the SOMO Report
Z. Kahar (Begeleider); Annemarie de Weijer (Student)